Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Story of Hugo Mugo (3)

Hugo Mugo

When he woke up again, it was in the middle of the night. He was lying inside a tent near a campfire. He could feel the heat outside his tent. He overheard people whispering but could not make out what they were talking about. The guy he saw at the beach walked right up to him.

"So you have awoken?" he asked.

"Where am I?" he asked in turn.

"You are at Hugo Mugo, my home. I found you in the sea unconscious." the tall guy explained.

"Who are you?" the tall guy asked.

"... I cannot remember." he answered.
The tall guy looked unconvinced. Nevertheless, he passed him a pack leaves folded in a triangular shape. Inside contained water, drawn from their well. He took the leaves and drank the water inside. It was refreshing. A majestic-looking old man walked in. The tall guy immediately looked towards his direction in a very respectful manner. 

"So have you found out anything about him?" asked the old man.

"Not yet, Sir. He said he could not remember. When I found him, he was unconscious at the beach." the tall guy explained.

"Very well then. Let him rest for a few days to show our hospitality and when he is well, give him some packs of Hugo Mugo fishes before sending him off." the old man said.

"Yes Sir. I will do just that" the tall guy replied.

The old man turned to him, and put his hand on his shoulder, then near to his heart, which meant to say "rest well".

The old man turned to leave them alone. The tall guy followed but returned shortly with some food. The tall guy handed the food over to him and sat down beside him. He unpacked the banana leaves; there was white starchy materials with some small fishes on top. He felt that he had not eaten for a long time, and his stomach was growling. Without much persuasion, he gobbled down the pack of food. 

The tall guy said, "I am Kiro. I am the section leader in charge of fishing for my family and relatives."

He replied "Thank you for saving me. But I cannot remember what happened. I can't even remember my name or where I come from."

The tall guy said, "I see. It is ok then. Have a good sleep, maybe you will remember tomorrow. I will bring you to the tribal doctor again tomorrow and see whether he can help you. He had seen you just now and said that you would be fine."

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